Saturday, April 13, 2013

library school

I have been working in a legal/government library since 2006.  I didn't have any library qualifications and had transferred in from another section.  I was working mainly as a researcher.  I was thinking of continuing my education but was unsure where to go or what to do.  I wasn't keen on starting into a long course but wanted to do a library related course.  I spoke to the librarians in work to get advice and to see what my options were.

I investigated various options and I made contact with Aberystwyth University and applied for the MSc in Library and Information Studies. I had researched various options but Aberystwth was the best option for me.  It is very flexible and designed around people who are working.  You have to complete the course between 2 and 5 years.  You set your own deadlines.  In total you have three study schools to attend in Aber. In hindsight it was the best decision I made.   After some time, I was accepted so library school here I come!

My first study school was in April 2011 and I had absolutely no idea what to expect.  I was pretty nervous as I didn't know anyone and I was a little worried because I thought everyone else would have more experience than me as I work in a special library.  How wrong was I! I arrived in Aberystwyth on a lovely sunny day and made my way to the accommodation. Once I had registered and settled into my room (student accommodation does not equal the Ritz but it was home for the week!) I made my way down to the canteen.  There were loads of people and a lot of them already knew each other.  I started talking to some of them and then I was joined by some other newbies.  Once you get to know some other students life gets easier. I've made friends for life.

The week went very fast and was very  busy.  The study school week (particularly the first) can be tough going as you have a lot of classes to attend, meeting new people and social events.  I was very tired after the week.  The classes were interesting and it was a great to find out what other types of libraries other students work in.  It is a good networking week.  I had a fear going over to the study school that the other students would have more experience than I did and I wouldn't have a clue what everyone was talking about.  I've learned that we all work in very different libraries and we all have different experience. Where I had very little experience in a particular area, I had more in other areas.  I also met with my personal tutor whilst in Aber.  It is important to meet and get to know your tutor where possible.  If you are having any trouble with your course this is the go to person.

The second study school I attended was in April 2012.  This was easier in a lot of ways as I already knew a lot of fellow students.  The train from Birmingham to Aber was full of Aber students and more joining along the way.  Again the classes were very interesting.  I have found that some subjects I didn't think I would enjoy I embraced and actually found them much more interesting than I ever thought I would.

I was due to attend my final study school in April 2013.  However life got in my way.  My dad was seriously ill from April to September 2012 and I had no option but to put my course on hold.   Unlike many courses I had the freedom to put it on hold and was under no pressure. I was just starting to get back on track this year when a suddenly family death and a family member getting sick again forced me to put my course on hold.  I am so glad I choose to do the Aber course over any other course.  I knew I could take the break and there was absolutely no pressure on my to finish.  I now aim to attend in September but if something else comes up it is not the end of the world. 

Distance learning was also new to me.  It has so many advantages but the one main disadvantage is you can feel isolated when you return home.  It is really important to make as many contacts as you can on the course so you can keep in touch and not feel so isolated.

I enjoyed most of the subjects I have studied so far.  I particularly enjoyed the social media aspects of some of my assignments.  I enjoyed some of the modules I didn't think I really would.

If you are considering going to library school you need to think about which course suits you best.  There are so many options out there but you need to think before you accept any which is the right one for you.  Talk to people who have done the various courses to see how they found them.

This blog post is long overdue and I intend to elaborate further on my study school experiences in future posts which I promise will follow soon....  So watch this space.